We have made a range of grants over the years, from annual support of entities, to challenge or matching grants, to funding a few endowments.  We have made multi-year grants where it makes sense for both entities, and in the case of small startup entities we have made seed grants in the hopes that our participation will attract the participation of other entities.  Through June 2020, we have cumulatively granted over $26 million since inception in 2001.  

The following list represents grant activity over the past few years. By clicking on the GuideStar / EIN number for an entity, a new window will open in GuideStar with the entities profile - including a link to their website:

Grant Application

Grantees must be invited to submit grant requests.   Since we are a volunteer organization without full time staff, we are unable to evaluate unsolicited grant proposals sent to us either via USPS or via email - as such we discard these without review or response.

If you have been invited to submit a proposal, please utilize the Grant Template and consider submitting a Charting Impact report as well. When submitting a proposal, if a repeat grant, please provide a brief summary of the prior year activities along with an accounting of grant expenditures which will serve as the grant report.  If you have the capability, submissions in PDF format are appreciated.

Grantees are encouraged to attain their GuideStar Seal of Transparency.  To that end, we walk our own talk ...

Charting Impact

Charting Impact is a common framework that allows staff, boards, stakeholders, donors, volunteers, and others to work together, learn from each other and serve the community better. It complements planning, evaluation, and assessment that organizations already undertake, and can be used by nonprofits and foundations of all sizes and missions. Charting Impact is a joint project of Independent Sector, GuideStar, and the BBB Wise Giving Alliance.

This discussion guide, presented by Independent Sector, explains the five questions at the heart of Charting Impact and offers guidance for developing your organization’s responses to them. This material should help your discussions with key members of your organization as you consider how to communicate your goals, strategies, capabilities, progress indicators, and accomplishments through this framework. And an extra bonus: once you’ve completed your Charting Impact guide, you are ready to publish your Charting Impact Report and attain your GuideStar Gold Profile, and completing the Charting Impact can help a charity meet Standard 7 of BBB WGA's Standards for Charity Accountability, which calls for a charity to submit to its governing body, for its approval, a written report that outlines its performance and effectiveness.